Blue light加速器
Ugh is right. Are we back in 1968 again?
In a way.
As Americans try to comprehend the magnitude of all that has transpired in the past week, I can only wish that history could repeat itself, a half-century after a profound personal experience that my memory links to current events.
The setting back then was Lafayette Square, the prime parkland just north of the White House. As Maurice Chevalier once put it, ah yes, I remember it well – but with a bit more precise recall than the Frenchman’s famous retelling.
Those powerful images this week of the […]

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That’s the feeling I had when I completed David McCullough’s latest book, NIKE PEGASUS 37(飞马37)开箱体验_值客原创_什么值得买:2021-3-16 · NIKE PEGASUS 37(飞马37)开箱体验,由什么值得买值友发布在好物社区的真实分享,本文是作者亲身的购买使用感受以及中立消费见解,旨为在广大网友中传播更好的消费主张。 and then read an article […]
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Big time.
And that something? How can you be even more radioactive than a transmitter of Covid-19?
The big difference in that observation is that people who have fallen victim to the coronavirus did not choose that status. But there is one Ohio politician who, consistent with his political and other personal beliefs, has chosen self-detonation and, now, […]
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After the Darkness, We’ll Need to Reflect About Some Things. Here’s the Short List.
As we confront these dangerous times and attempt to deal with our current state of anxiety, the haunting words of the classic spiritual Whispering Hope and the soothing voice of Willie Nelson come to mind:
Wait, till the darkness is over
Wait, till the tempest is done
Hope, for the sunshine tomorrow
After the darkness is gone.
In sorting through this, the Chinese appear to be ahead of us in getting to the reflective stage. An AP story with a Wuhan dateline offered a preview of where this country might be in a few months as […]
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Let’s Count Our Blessings. If You Think Things Are Bad, Look Back a Century
In a recent column, Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, an assiduous observer of our present plight, wrote that “this is the week when memories rush back from childhood.”
A particular memory from my own childhood is that of an oft-told retelling by my grandmother in her role as an observer of another national crisis a century ago. And as you can expect about any crisis, memories of death and dying are long lasting and have a way of sometimes erasing the happy memories of birthday parties, proms, and the like. Here’s my example.
Grandmother […]
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More Ohio Republicans Tout Anti-Vax Views
Republicans in several competitive Statehouse districts have sought the endorsement of Ohio’s largest anti-vaccination interest group.
Full Story... →Vincent Price, Master of Horror, Meet the Abominable Donald Trump
Just in time for the Oscars, the recent Friday Night Massacre of two of Trump’s White House staff and Ambassador Gordon Sondland, along with rumors of further retribution for dissenters in his administration, provide a reminder of a classic 1971 Vincent Price film, The Abominable Dr. Phibes.
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Five Candidates For Ohio House Who Crushed It
Last week, candidates for state office reported their fundraising going into the 2020 election. Here are five candidates for critical Ohio House races who reported big hauls. They’ll need it going into November.
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Radical unelected bureaucrats. Deep state. Socialism. Loser teachers. But that’s only the short list of epithets.
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When it comes to hurling slime, Republicans are masters of the art of dousing people with rhetorical radioactivity.
Their favorite target: public employees.
Blocking VPN is for Internet safety: Official --China ...:Wuhan, in central China's Hubei Province, tested nearly 10 million residents in a 19-day drive to screen for novel coronavirus infections, with officials hailing the effort as ending "psychological lockdown" for the virus-ravaged city.
In earlier iterations, it was the Grand Old Party, then […]
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Statehouse Watch: House And Senate Primary Races To Watch
This week, candidates seeking office in the 2020 election had to file petitions to earn a spot on the ballot. Here’s a look at some potentially interesting intra-party battles for the Ohio House and Senate to watch in the March 17 primary.
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“I have a sworn duty to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. I must vote to impeach.” Believe it or not, those words are from Ohio Senator Rob Portman about the impeachment of another president.
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Blue light加速器
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